Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Our Animals Can Help Us See Ourselves

Over the years, I have seen example after example of where our animals can be a "mirror" for us. Often times when we understand what they need, we discover it is the same thing we need. Or when we identify something they need to work on, we find that it is something we need to work on as well. I don't think it's any accident that this occurs . . . as I believe it is part of their purpose here on earth, to help us learn about ourselves and help us grow. 

I get so tickled when I am able to witness these occurrences of "mirroring" - to see the eyes of a guardian light up when they realized how much they have in common with their animal or how deeply they are deeply touched when they learn more about what their animal is trying to teach them.

I vividly recall the opportunity I had to work with three wonderful women and their four horses many years ago. There were a mixture of physical and behavioral issues that had these women stumped and they were looking for insights into what was going on. 

When one of the gals asked me why her horse would occasionally stop and refuse to move anymore when they were out for a trail ride, her horse showed me through her feelings and some images that she needed to know the "big picture" before they went out for a ride. She wanted to know where they were going to go, how long they would be gone and when she was going to get to eat again. :-) 

As I was explaining in more detail about the horses' desire to have her expectations managed, her guardian shook her head and began to laugh. She said, "Oh my gosh, she's just like me!" It hadn't occurred to her that her horse needed the same thing she did but now that she knew, she was more than happy to start offering up more of an explanation before they left the barn. She knew how much it helped her to understand the "big picture" before engaging in something so it was easy for her to provide that to her horse.

One of the other horses was being pushed around by some of the other horses at the stable when they were out in the pasture. I sensed some confusion in him, given that he was always complimented by all the 2-legged folks for being such a sweet, gentle horse and he didn't know how to still be sweet and gentle while standing up for himself with the other horses. I talked to him about how it was OK for him to be confident, that he would still be the same sweet horse he's always been, even if he stood up for himself a bit more. I told him it was safe to be both sweet and confident.

At the time I was talking to him, I sensed it was potentially an issue for his guardian as well, but I didn't say anything at the time. I had just met her and wasn't sure how comfortable she would be if I began pointing out what my intuition was telling me about her. :-) 

Much to my delight, a while later when we were working with one of the other horses, the guardian brought it up herself, mentioning that she saw the connection when we were talking to her horse. She said she often was afraid to speak up for herself for fear that people wouldn't like her anymore. I suggested that maybe it had come up that day so that they could both work on it and help each other make progress on this area. The other ladies who were there with us were kind enough to chime in and let her know that she could speak up for herself around them and it wouldn't change how much they liked her. I could tell by the smile on her face, especially in her eyes, that it really struck a positive chord with her. 

The week before that, one of my dog clients was having difficulty recovering from an injury. I told his guardian that I sensed he wasn't healing because he wasn't resting enough. He seemed to always feel like he had to be "on" - always doing something, and since he never stopped moving, his muscles weren't getting a chance to heal. 

As I was explaining all of this, she looked down at the ground, then slowly lifted her eyes to meet mine and quietly said, "He isn't the only one who has this problem." She confessed that she had trouble being still herself, that she never seemed to stop moving either. I suggested that maybe it was something they could work on together. They could take some time out each day where they both rested and were just still. I sensed that it was something she would be more apt to do if it was also going to help her dog. 

I think our animals are offering us insights about ourselves all the time and there is so much we can learn if we look at ourselves as closely and lovingly as we look at our animals. All of my clients genuinely want to help their animals and go to great lengths to ensure they are happy and living a balanced life. I think their animals genuinely want to help their guardians too and will go to great lengths to ensure they too are happy and living a balanced life. 

Sometimes our animals will help give us the courage to do something for ourselves when we see how doing that same thing has helped them. 

Our animals are able to give us great insight into ourselves if we are willing to slow down, get quiet and pay attention to the subtle messages they are offering. 

So what do you think your animal is trying to tell you about yourself? You might be amazed at what you learn.

Monday, March 4, 2024

We All Have A Role To Play

People often talk about their purpose in life . . . as they ponder topics such as "Why am I here?" and "What am I meant to do?"  

I believe that the answer to that may reside in seeing ourselves clearly enough to know what WE have to offer, what our unique abilities and talents are. We each have innate skills and abilities and I personally think there is a reason for that - they are the roadmap to finding and fulfilling our purpose.

I have come to realize - over and over - how important each one of us is. No one person is better than another because we each bring something of value to the whole. I think the key to our forward momentum can be found in embracing ourselves and what comes naturally to us. It can truly be empowering when we are able to embrace what we are good at.

There is evidence all around us that when we bring our contributions and our gifts to the table, together we are able to accomplish incredible things. 

One of my favorite analogies for this is of building a house . . . I often think of the importance of the different roles that come into play and how necessary each one is. We can't build a great house if we only have architects, nor can we build a great house if we only have plumbers . . . there are so many different skills needed to build a wonderful house. 

We need architects and building designers, project managers, people who know how to navigate the often complicated process of getting permits and inspections. We need plumbers, electricians, dry wallers, people who can lay tile and flooring, etc. Interior designers and exterior designers are also needed, as they will know how to bring it all together whether it is what colors to paint walls or what materials are needed to create spaces that bring comfort and joy to those who live there.

Not all of us have or need to have the skills to be able to do all those jobs. 

For just about everything - a variety of skills are needed to bring something to completion and not just "completion" but synergistic and beautiful completion. Together we can accomplish more. No one role is more important than another. They are all valuable! We are all valuable! 

Putting on a play . . . you need someone to write the play, you need people who are great at acting to bring those words to life and a director to bring it all together. You also need great set designers, people who can make the perfect costumes, people who know how to light the stage just right. Each one of those roles fulfilled brings a play to life.  There are countless examples of where we need a "team" to accomplish something and so often our "purpose in life" isn't just about what we are meant to do by ourselves but how our individual contributions provide the needed puzzle piece in a larger picture.

Always remember that no one individual is more important in what they do. We each bring forth something important and we are ALL equally needed - because each one of us came into this world with unique gifts, abilities and talents. 

So I invite you to take a moment and think about what you are good at, what lights you up and inspires you? What gifts do you innately have? When do you feel the most freedom and the most joy? With our understanding of those things, we are more easily able to answer the question "What is my purpose?" 

I also believe that the more clear we are about what we individually have to offer, the quicker the Universe can bring forth opportunities to connect with just the right people who are in need of exactly what we have to offer. We can contribute positively to a greater vision just by knowing and seeing ourselves for who we are and embracing our natural gifts, talents and joys. 

p.s. I think that for many of us, what our purpose is going forward may end up being very different from what we have been doing . . . so the other thought I will leave you with is: Stay open to the possibilities. If we keep tuning into what lights us up, we may be given magical new pathways and opportunities to enjoy our lives even more.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Black and White


I have been hearing this song playing in my head all day today. It has been a favorite of mine since I was a little girl (I have always connected deeply with music and this is one of those songs that moved me to tears, even when I was only in elementary school).
Since it won't stop playing in my head, I am taking it as a sign that it needs to be shared so here are the lyrics to the Three Dog Night singing "Black & White" followed by a video below that. 

I hope it speaks to you as much as much as it speaks to me. I don't believe we were ever meant to be separate - not based on skin color or anything else. IMHO, I believe we are here to love one another no matter what our "differences" are.

                                               "Black & White"

The ink is black, the page is white
Together we learn to read and write
A child is black, a child is white
The whole world looks upon the sight
A beautiful sight

And now a child can understand
That this is the law of all the land
All the land

The world is black, the world is white
It turns by day and then by night
A child is black, a child is white
Together they grow to see the light
To see the light

And now, at last, we plainly see
We'll have a dance of liberty

The world is black, the world is white
It turns by day and then by night
A child is black, a child is white
The whole world looks upon the sight
A beautiful sight

The world is black, the world is white
It turns by day and then by night
A child is black, a child is white
Together they grow to see the light
To see the light

The world is black, the world is white
It turns by day and then by night
A child is black, a child is white
The whole world looks upon the sight
A beautiful sight

The world is black, the world is white
It turns by day and then by night
A child is black, a child is white
Together they grow to see the light
To see the light

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Another "Lucky For Me" Review

I recently received another review of my book that touched me so deeply it made me cry. As I read her words about how the book had supported her, I felt such gratitude because it was one of the ways I had hoped it could assist people. 

In the prologue of my book, I mention that part of the reason that I felt so compelled to share our story was because I felt deep inside my heart that it would be of assistance to others. 

I wrote: I know I am not the only person who has had an intense bond with their animal, nor am I the only one who has gone to extremes to help an animal recover from the abuse they suffered or heal their own trauma. My intention in sharing our journey is to light the path for those who find themselves with similar challenges. Whether you are someone who is extremely sensitive and feels things very deeply or you are trying to heal the past or you are in the process of self-discovery, my hope is that you'll experience some "aha" moments and points of connection through this book that can assist you on your own journey, and maybe even inspire you to find your way to a deeper understanding and appreciation of all you have to offer too. 

Receiving this heart-felt confirmation from this beautiful soul lit me up. She confirmed for me why it felt so important to write the book and share the journey that Lucky and I went on. Here is what she wrote:

Wow! All I can say is wow! I finished Lucky For Me (by Maureen Burkley) on the plane a few weeks ago.
The most PERFECT ALIGNMENT OF TIMING is indescribable. I don't remember when I got the book and started reading it, I’m a slow reader lately and I read in small chunks and then I pick it up again, but I feel like each time I picked it up, that each part I read served me so perfectly during that particular time.
Since we never had a dog, I have learned so much about dogs from this book. But the most interesting part, the book also made me think a lot about life…
As I got to the end, reading about Lucky's last year, last few months, down to last hours AND after her transitioning ... I can't even describe how meaningful it was for me - for my now and things I felt for Maureen and Lucky and for MYSELF at the same time, all interwoven together.
With each part of the book I read, it was like being there and being here and having a NEW understanding for the criss-cross points. I was able to begin to feel what Maureen felt AND see how those things connect to things unfolding in my own life right now.
I was able to understand Maureen’s decisions points, where they come from, and marvel at their relationship, at the end, not only had Lucky taught her and us so much, but ....compassion.... wow, compassion!! The place where compassion comes from!! Our wisdom. Our intuition. And the light and joy and peace that come with it.
I feel so much reverence for Maureen and Lucky. I thank her and Lucky both for how I was able to take what I was reading and connect it to my own life, my own journey in such a powerful way. Lucky is still teaching!!! Your pets are still teachers even after they are gone.

Zhanna Kozar

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Brotherly Love - refreshed post from 2014


Brotherly Love

I am always curious when I see that an old blog post of mine is suddenly getting a lot of activity. (I wrote this post back in 2014.). Reading it again, I thought it would be a perfect post to reshare now, to remind us that animals have so much to teach us if we can take the time to pay attention to what we are being shown. 

These two dogs had some beautiful wisdom to impart that day - wisdom that deserves to be shared again. I hope you enjoy the post, whether it is new to you or a post you read back in 2014.

Yesterday, I went to a client's house to give Reiki treatments to their two dogs.  They went out of town for the holidays and they thought the "boys" would appreciate a Reiki treatment to help them through the long week. 

After our initial greeting, I asked Tyde and Yuki if they would like to set an intention for their healing treatment.  I heard them say they would like to feel peaceful and loved. As I was repeating the intention, I heard "And special."  I couldn't stop smiling as I included that in our intention.

I started working on Tyde, the older of the two dogs. His brother, Yuki was laying on his bed, staring at us and whimpering. I explained to him that they were both going to get treatments, but Yuki continued to whine. I asked him if he would prefer that I switch back and forth every fifteen minutes and I got a "yes."  At the agreed upon time, I scooted over to Yuki's bed and began giving him Reiki. He was very happy. 

Fifteen minutes later, I scooted back over to Tyde's bed to resume his Reiki treatment and Yuki began to whimper and whine again. I reminded him that I was going to keep alternating but that didn't seem to make him happy.  Just then, Tyde struggled to his feet and moved over to the other side of his bed, which was closer to Yuki's bed. I realized he was moving over there so I could work on both of them at the same time. I thanked Tyde for coming up for a solution and he let me know he was happy to help. 

As I sat there, with a hand on each one of them, they both fell asleep - they were so relaxed and at peace.  Tyde started to snore and several times, Yuki let out a sigh of contentment. It was so precious, I felt compelled to take my hands off them for a moment to take a picture. 

As the treatment continued, they snuggled closer and closer to each other - ultimately ending up right up against each other.

It was so sweet to spend that time with them and I loved getting to witness how "siblings" often look out for each other and do whatever they can to make sure everyone is happy.

May you all feel as content as Tyde and Yuki as you celebrate the holidays.   My wish is that you all feel as peaceful, loved and special as these sweet boys did yesterday.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Perfect Gift for the Holidays!

I thought it was the perfect time to put out a plug for my book - Lucky For Me, A Journey of Healing and Self-discovery. Given that many folks are still trying to wrap up their holiday shopping, this might be the ideal present for folks on your list (Or even a nice gift to yourself)  :-) 

Is there anyone on your list who is:

- A huge animal lover?

- On a healing path (physical or emotional)?

- Trying to find themselves and discover who they truly are? Or love themselves more fully?

- Wanting to better understand themselves and their innate gifts?

If so, Lucky For Me could be the perfect gift for them this holiday season. 

Here is a link to the publisher, if you would like to make a purchase and below that, I have included some reviews of my book to give you a better idea of the content, from the perspective of other readers, to help you decide who on your list might really enjoy this book as a holiday gift. (Or a "just for the heck of it" gift).



Like the boy on an expedition who seeks wisdom by attending to omens in The Alchemist, author Maureen Burkley listens intently to signs she receives from Lucky, her adopted German Shepherd. What she learns couldn’t help but propel her on a quest for personal healing and self-discovery. 

Searching to understand the root causes of Lucky’s illnesses, Maureen gingerly and lovingly assists her companion in overcoming deep-seated traumas. Through the unraveling of Lucky’s knotted wounds, Maureen shows us how we can be alchemists of our own pain and transform whatever shackles us from being our best selves. 

Lucky For Me is an intimate portrait of two friends who discover when one of us evolves, everything around us evolves. The hard-earned lessons Maureen imparts throughout her story are poignant and timely, told with extraordinary honesty and regard for the reader. This is not only a must-read for animal lovers, but for anyone who could use a reminder of the preciousness of every life.

Paula Francis – author “Ten Pair Of Shoes”


Maureen Burkley has written a book that any dog lover will find engaging, instructive, and transformational. Her experiences gained from adopting an abused and traumatized puppy greatly illuminate the canine/human relationship. And in doing so, illustrates the profound connection and exchange of learning that is possible between a person and any living creature. 

Maureen’s journey with her German Shepherd, Lucky shows how approaching a challenging task with self-awareness and openness leads to profound discovery and healing growth. The story presents a lesson in compassion while revealing insights and training methods that made me a more loving and responsible dog parent and gave me clues about my own mental-emotional patterns. As a specialist in Emotional Intelligence, I found the book to be a consistent primer threaded with behavioral practices and keys to personal awareness that span the spectrum of relationships. Curiosity, openness, and compassion open us to deeper connections and reveal new paths. And it’s just a great dog story!

Steve Whiteford – Applied Emotional Intelligence Consultant 


It has been a long time since I resonated with and was moved by a book. “Lucky For Me” resonated with me and I was definitely moved by it. As a longtime dog lover and parent, I truly believe that dogs have souls. It is truly a gift to have a special emotional connection with an animal. They save us and we save them. Thank you for saving Lucky and I am glad she was able to help save you as well.



Maureen's book is so inspiring and very interesting to read. She showed so much strength and perseverance during her special journey with Lucky. There is so much of her heart and determination to help Lucky with her challenges. You truly see the power of unconditional love.  The connections Maureen made to guide her were almost unbelievable or magical since many came in strange ways and at just the right time.  

So many stories in the book that I could relate to or felt the same way at times. While reading her book it triggered many of my own memories. My favorite stories were her many fun times with Lucky. Although Lucky had some struggles she never gave up either and actually help to guide Maureen on her path. Lucky brought so much joy to so many people of all ages.  They were such gifts to each other and also to so many people, myself included.

Maureen's book taught me several things that could help me in my life as well. 



A summary of the book can be found on the book purchase link but for those who prefer not to have to do so much "clicking" I have pasted a copy of the summary below:

From the time Maureen was a little girl, all she wanted was a German shepherd. Then one day she is inexplicably drawn to a news story about a shepherd puppy that had been used in a dog-fighting ring and then heartlessly discarded in a dumpster. Was this the German shepherd she was meant to have? An adoption lottery could answer that and change her life in unimaginable ways.

Lucky For Me takes us deep into the lives of Lucky, the severely abused German shepherd and Maureen, her adopter. Assuming the role of rescuer, Maureen set out on what felt like an insurmountable mission to help Lucky heal from her physical and emotional wounds. Along the way she was catapulted into her own healing journey. Will Lucky and Maureen be able to overcome the obstacles that life has dealt them? 

Maureen gives us an honest and introspective look at their quest to regain their confidence and find their way back to whom they are meant to be. As they endeavor to accept, heal and release the past, Maureen realizes how disconnected she is from her true self. 

While attempting to answer the question “Who am I?” pieces of the puzzle begin to reveal themselves in synchronistic and magical ways. Discovering the hidden gifts in her extreme sensitivity and empathic nature, Maureen’s bond with Lucky grows even stronger and more powerful. As the process of self-discovery unfolds, a new way of life emerges—one that finally feels like home. 

Lucky for Me is a true story about second chances and new beginnings. It follows Lucky and Maureen as they navigate the ups and downs of the somewhat rocky terrain to self-acceptance and self-love. Ultimately, their inspiring adventure shows us what is possible with love, courage, forgiveness, and trust.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Things Are Not Always What They Appear To Be


I am writing this in the hopes that it can be a gentle nudge for folks to sharpen their discernment skills. We are surrounded by so many opportunities to make assumptions and be led astray. A snapshot can take on so many different "meanings" based on what is written (or not written) to go along with the picture. Whether it is a personal picture or a picture on a business website . . . a sentence, a few sentences or a whole article - I see it happening all around us. This seems to be on the rise even more now than ever, which may require us to be more curious and to ask a lot more questions than we have had to in the past. 

A humorous example of this is several years ago a good friend of mine got chastised by family and "friends" for spending too much time in bars (based solely off his posts on social media).  They saw him post artful pictures of cocktails, some group shots and empty plates and glasses. People automatically assumed he was betraying his family, being an absentee father, becoming an alcoholic, etc. None of that could have been farther from the truth.

It irritated him so he called up a few of us and said "If you can come over tonight, I'll cook dinner. Oh and bring hats and some books." Of course we all thought "What??" but we complied. LOL  When we arrived he told us about the bashing he was getting and said he wanted to post some "different" pictures. We took some pictures with our hats and books and then he posted them on social media with a caption about being at a poetry reading that night. It was a hoot and we had a really good laugh over the whole thing.

It is a perfect example of how easy it is to misread / misunderstand pictures and how easy it is for people to purposely mislead others. Maybe you have seen some of this occurring as well. 

Bottom line, we will be helping ourselves immensely if we take the time to discern what the truth is . . . whether it is through asking questions, tuning into our intuition or any other means to authenticate what we are seeing or what assumptions we are about to make. Maybe it comes down to not automatically believing things unless we personally know the person who made the post or if you are only seeing pictures of "happy employees" while interviewing for a job, maybe you can ask for permission to speak to a few employees one-on-one to learn more about the company from them. Whatever the situation is - the point I am making is that it up to us to be more cautious about what is being shared or presented to us.

In the case of my friend all those years ago, he thought posting pictures of he and his family watching a movie together or a picture of he and his wife when they were sharing intimate time was not appropriate for social media and/or way too personal. He tended to take pictures when he was out with friends, whether it was a work function / offsite or boredom when his wife and kids went out of town to visit her parents. He was just being goofy and those of us who knew him and his sense of humor knew not to make any assumptions about what he posted.

After our "poetry reading" that night, we went for a walk around the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. While we were out, it started to rain but in the photographs, the raindrops looked more like snow. It would have been so easy to include a caption that said "First snow in California in three decades." Most folks wouldn't have thought twice about it, unless of course they were someone who lived in the neighborhood and knew better. :-) 

I'm not suggesting that we all become paranoid - LOL - just merely offering up that sharpening our discernment skills could help us quite a bit in the current environment we are in. Whether it is accidental or on purpose, it is really easy these days to give people a false impression, skew reality or get people to believe things that aren't true.