Sunday, December 4, 2022

Lucky For Me - A Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery

It's hard to believe that it has almost been a year since my book, Lucky For Me, was published. Time certainly does seem to be flying by this year. Feedback so far has been wonderful (and a few folks have been kind enough to let me know where a typo snuck through so I can get those all fixed in the near future). :-) It has been so fun for me to hear all the different ways that people have connected with different parts of our story or insights we gained throughout our journey.

In the prologue, I mention that part of the reason that I felt so compelled to share our story was because I felt deep inside my heart that it would somehow be of assistance to others. 

I wrote: I know I am not the only person who has had an intense bond with their animal, nor am I the only one who has gone to extremes to help an animal recover from the abuse they suffered or heal their own trauma. My intention in sharing our journey is to light the path for those who find themselves with similar challenges. Whether you are someone who is extremely sensitive and feels things very deeply or you are trying to heal the past or you are in the process of self-discovery, my hope is that you'll experience some "aha" moments and points of connection through this book that can assist you on your own journey, and maybe even inspire you to find your way to a deeper understanding and appreciation of all you have to offer too. 

It is truly gratifying when I receive feedback that lets me know that the book has done what I hoped it would for some people . . . giving them their own AHA moments, seeing things in themselves and/or their relationship with their pets that they hadn't noticed before and in some cases even helping them unravel pieces of their childhood that have had more of an impact on them than they realized. 

While I trust that the book will end up in the hands of people who it can serve, I also know that it is ok to ask for support.  :-)  

The odds of me reading a book often increase dramatically if someone personally recommends it to me, especially when the person knows me well enough to know that it will speak to me and to my heart. So I welcome those of you who have read my book to recommend it to others if you feel it can be of assistance. Whether it is an animal lover / someone who has a strong bond with their pet, or a very sensitive soul, or a person trying to untangle who they are from who they thought they were "supposed" to be or someone who is on their own healing path. There are so many little nuggets in the book that others can relate to and it would make my heart happy if I knew that our story was helping even more people along their own paths. 

Maybe it would make a great holiday gift? It could possibly provide encouragement to someone you know who is struggling right now. So if you feel inspired to recommend my book to others or purchase it as a gift, I would be extremely grateful! 

Link to purchase the book: Lucky For Me - A Journey of Healing and Self-discovery

Endless gratitude for your support!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I meant to order your book before before so I AM Now💗