Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trusting the Energy

I have always been an analytical person by nature, someone who likes to understand why things happen. I'm also the kind of person who has always found comfort in knowing that A + B = C, and that if you do X, the result will be Y. I like for things to be predictable and for things to make sense.

So when I first started exploring Reiki, it was a challenge for me to wrap my mind around all that I didn't know or understand about healing energy. I had trouble with the fact that couldn't always predict results and that you could never make any promises about what the energy would do.

Since the energy can heal on any level (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), it may go to an area you didn't realize you needed help in. Since the energy will heal whatever most needs to be healed, you could give yourself reiki on your knee because it hurt, but if your kidneys needed more support at that moment, the energy might go there instead, even if you don't realize there was anything wrong with your kidneys. You could feel discouraged that your knee still hurt, not realizing that the energy went to where your body needed it the most at that moment.

In order to become a reiki practitioner, I was forced to really explore and embrace the ideas of faith and trust. I had to learn to trust the energy, I had to trust that it would do what it was meant to do. I can certainly set an intention for the energy, yet I have learned that I need to also hold the belief that the energy will do what is in the highest good. It's been a process, over all these years, to really let go and be in trust . . . to have faith that the energy is doing what that person or animal needs it to do and to let go of my need to predict the outcome.

Over the years, I have allowed myself to be opened to any possibility, to suspend any expectations and just see what happens . . . and I have been fortunate enough to witness the amazing and unexplainable results that can occur.

Last winter, I had a client whose cat was having a lot of health issues, so she took him to the vet. They discovered that his heart was enlarged and the vet gave the client a long list of possible causes . . . none of them good. She wanted to give energy healing a try, so she arranged for her cat to have a series of reiki treatments before deciding on any course of action.

Her cat was very receptive to the energy and I was hopeful that it would help, but I also knew there were no guarantees. Much to my clients and my delight, when she took him back to the vet a few months later, they did an ultrasound and found that his heart had returned to it's normal size.

This summer, another one of my clients took her dog in to have a couple fatty tumors removed. She expected it to be a fairly routine operation but her vet discovered other issues when they took xrays. They saw a large mass down by his bladder, that they assumed might be a cyst. They said that since it was so large and so close to other organs, it would be too dangerous to operate so they suggested she start him on chemo and radiation right away.

She wasn't ready to go that route, so we decided to give Reiki a try and see what it could do. He had weekly treatments for 5-6 weeks and then last week she took him back in to have more xrays done. We were both feeling nervous and a little anxious before the appointment, wondering what the results were going to be. We both knew there was a possibility that the mass was going to be unchanged, and yet, we both held onto the hope that the energy was able to make a difference. When they looked at the new xrays, the cyst was so small, it was barely visible. My client and I were beyond excited!

There is still a small part of me that wishes I could predict what was going to happen each time someone comes to me fore a Reiki treatment, because it is still in my nature to be comforted when A + B = C and X always results in Y.

Yet, I also love the fact that I don't have to know it all . . . that there are forces out there that I may not ever be able to fully comprehend, but can still trust. I can just have faith that the energy will do what it is meant to do, that it will always do what is in the highest good.

And still, I relish in the moments where there is some 'proof' that the energy did something miraculous!

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