Sunday, March 8, 2009

Listen to your intuition

I believe that everyone has intuition, whether you call it a gut feeling or an insight or something else. It's the thought that comes into your mind, a "knowing" that you have, although you aren't sure how you came to "know" it.  Personally, I think the real challenge with intuition isn't "getting it" but rather learning to listen to it and to trust what comes to you.  

In the work that I do with animals and their guardians, I find that one of the areas I focus on a lot is helping the guardians learn to trust their intuition.  They all have it, as evidenced by the number of times I tell people what I am picking up from their animals and I hear them say, "I was wondering about that" or "I had a feeling that is what was going on" or "That thought went through my head the other day."  Whether it is a medical issue or an emotional/behavioral issue, my clients often have a good idea about what is going on with their animals but are afraid to trust it.  

I feel that part of my job as a healer and animal communicator is to help my 2-legged clients develop more trust in what their intuition is telling them.  The benefits to them are many, i.e. the more they trust the insights they get, the better and more quickly they will be able to help their animals, and if they are trusting their intuition, they will have less need for me or someone like me.  

This surprises some people and they question why I would want people to need me less.  My philosophy is no different now than when I was working as an organizational development consultant.  I think my job has always been to empower people, to help people trust themselves and believe in themselves.  I think the more we trust ourselves, the stronger and more capable we become.  And the more we listen to our intuition, the stronger it becomes as well.  I want to help people to believe in themselves, not help them be dependent on me because making people dependent is "unempowering" them in a way.  

If you don't currently believe you have intuition or you aren't currently trusting the "knowing" you have, I encourage you to start paying attention to the number of times someone tells you something and you think to yourself "I had a feeling . . ."  When you are at the vet and he/she says "This is what is going on with your animal," how often are they telling you something you already suspected?   If you go to an alternative practitioner, whether it's a chiropractor or an accupuncturist, or you meet with an animal communicator, pay attention to the number of times you think to yourself "I had a feeling that's what was going on."   I think you'll be surprised by the number of times you were "right" about what was going on with your animal.

Often times our fear of trusting ourselves makes us listen to other people too much and then things get really confusing.  I can't tell you how many of my clients have said to me "Well, I thought this is what was going on with my dog but then Sally at the dog park said it was probably this, and my next door neighbor said her dog had similar symptoms and it was that, and now my head is spinning and I have no idea what is wrong with my dog and I'm really scared."  Most of the time, when the person finds out what is wrong with their animal, they were the ones who were right . . not the lady at the dog park or their next door neighbor, often times not even their vet.  

I had one client whose dog had received a "cancer diagnosis" from her vet, based on some lab work.  She kept saying to me, "I just don't think he has cancer."  That thought never left her mind or her heart.  Her intuition kept telling her he was not a dog with cancer and several months later when they had his lab work done again, this time the lab work prooved that she was right . . . he just didn't have cancer.  Hard to know if the lab work was wrong in the first place, or if her positive thought and belief that he was well helped create that outcome.  All I know was that her intuition kept telling her he didn't have cancer and her intuition was right.

So, trust your intuition!!  Don't ignore the "knowing" that comes to you.  Trust yourself!!  You'll be happy you did!

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