Saturday, October 25, 2008

When animals are nearing the end of their life

In my work with animals, I often work with them when they are nearing the end of their lives, and they have taught me a great deal about that process.   When I first started giving Reiki to animals, it was hard for me because I wanted to believe that they could all be healed and live forever.  I know, a little-girl mentality but one I had a hard time shaking.  It was hard for me to accept that I couldn't change destiny, and hard for me to accept that animals were going to die, regardless of how much Reiki I gave them.

Over time, I have realized that the work I do with animals at the end of their life has more to do with helping their guardians.    I don't believe animals are afraid to die.  What they do worry about is their guardians.  They worry that they are going to be sad, they worry that they are going to second guess themselves or not be ok once their animal is gone.  I am given a beautiful opportunity to help guardians and their animals talk to each other and to help the guardians feel at peace about the process of their animals passing on.  I truly believe that animals come into our lives for a reason, to teach us things or support us in special ways, and I believe that animals are at peace when they die because they know they have fulfilled their purpose in our lives.  I try to help people see the gifts they received from their animals and help them see that those gifts are not taken away when the animals die.  Those gifts are theirs to hold forever.  

If you have a pet that is nearing the end of their lives, I know it comes with great sadness.  I also know that we can be more at peace about it if we talk to our animals.  I encourage you to tell your pet how much they have meant to you, let them know what you have learned and gained as a result of them being in your life. Assure them that their work is complete, that the gifts they brought to you have been received and are appreciated.  

In honoring their lives and all they have brought to us, we can find a peace inside of us, and we can give them peace as well.  If they know we appreciate what they have done and they know we are going to be OK after they are gone, they will not worry about us and then will be able to go peacefully.   I can't think of a better way to honor an animal, then to thank them for what they have done and remind them that we will hold them in our hearts forever.


Rose De Dan, Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC said...

Well said, Maureen, this has been my experience also. My first client, long ago, taught me that at the time of transition assistance for both animal and human is needed. It is one lesson, among many, that turned my practice into one offering healing for both. Best wishes to you, keep on writing and sharing your experiences, they are needed.

Maroun said...

You have great insight! This information is very helpful.