Friday, October 17, 2008

Direct Communication

A client of mine pointed out the other day that I talk more directly to her dog than she does.  At first, I was puzzled . . . I guess it's because since I communicate pretty directly and openly all the time and I forget that not everyone else does.  :-)  My client pointed out that she was learning from me that it was ok to speak more directly to her dog.  As we continued to discuss it, I got a better understanding of what she was talking about and how this comes into play with our communication in general, whether we are speaking to our animals or other humans.  

Sometimes, we think it's better to 'protect' others by not saying things in front of them.  I understand where that comes from, it ultimately comes from a place of kindness and concern.  If you think something is going to upset another person (or animal), we are fearful of saying things outright.  If we are worried about our animals, we want to 'protect' them and not let them know. We put on a happy face and try to pretend that everything is ok.  I believe that animals can handle the truth - in fact, I think it's better for them when we can be as truthful as possible, because they are sensitive enough to pick up on what we are feeling anyway.  If we don't put words to it and explain it outright, we can end up confusing them or making them worry unnecessarily.  

Give it some thought . . . How honest are you with your animals?  Do you tell them what you are really feeling and thinking? or are you trying to protect them?  I have a feeling you'll see positive responses in your animals if you begin to communicate more directly with them.  Trust them to handle the 'truth' because they can be trusted with the truth!

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