Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Since it is the eve of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd focus this blog on what I am grateful for.  Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday - in part because it is free from religion and only requires a little grocery shopping to prepare . . . but mostly it is my favorite holiday because it is a time when people stop and take a moment to express gratitude for what they have.  From the time I was a little girl, I loved the part where we went around the table and said what we was grateful for.

I am grateful that the sewer line replacement project that has been going on outside my house for the last 5 weeks has finally moved far enough down the street that my windows are no longer rattling and Kino is no longer throwing up every day.

I am grateful that my friend Karin was kind and patient enough to take approximately 100 pictures of Kino and I before we finally got one that I could use for my Christmas card this year.  (This one clearly didn't make the cut but Kino's "smile" makes me laugh every time I look at it).

I am grateful that Kino can now be trusted to sleep with his crate door open at night, which means he can now wake me up in the morning with a face full of kisses.  It is a very nice way to start to day.

I am also grateful that Kino had adopted the role of "back up alarm" - which means that when my alarm goes off, if I haven't stirred in 1-2 minutes, he throws the top half of his body on my bed and kisses me to make sure I know I am supposed to be getting up.

I am grateful that when I say, "I have to go to the bathroom" Kino no longer stands in front of the door, blocking my access to the very place I am trying to go.  I have no idea why it took him almost a year to realize that moving out of the way was a much better option, I am just grateful that he finally figured it out.  :-)

I am grateful to my many wonderful clients, who open their hearts and trust me to work with them and their animals.  It is truly an honor to do the work that I do.

I am grateful for my animal clients, who continually demonstrate what it means to love unconditionally.   They are such beautiful role models for us if we are willing to take a cue from them.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  and I hope you know I am grateful that you read my blog.  :-)

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