Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kino's Birthday

Today, the 13th of July is Kino's birthday.  I don't know if it's his actual birthday, but when he was surrendered to the shelter, his family said he was 11 months old and he was surrendered on June 13th, therefore I picked July 13th as his birthday.

Last night, I told him his birthday was today.  I explained what a birthday was and why we were going to be celebrating.  I wasn't sure he understood me but this morning, I was pretty sure he must have understood because for the first time since he started sleeping outside the crate at night, he woke me up in the morning . . . and he woke me with an exuberance he doesn't usually display in the morning . . . by throwing his upper body up on the bed and proceeded to lick my face until I agreed to get up.

I wasn't sure how to celebrate his birthday.  The things I did with Lucky on her birthday (taking her out to breakfast and then to the beach) aren't things I can do with Kino, given that he is still leash reactive, uncomfortable with strangers and doesn't like the heat.  I wracked my brain trying to figure out how to mark the occasion and finally decided that since he loves food and his toys more than anything else in the world that I would buy him some new toys and cook him something special for dinner.

All day long, he seemed to know it was his special day.  He had an extra pep in his step from the moment we got up and put on his birthday scarf.  He even gave me attitude throughout the day, as if to say, "Well, it IS my birthday!"  Even as I type this, he is still gleefully playing with the new toys he got . . . and he was very very happy with my decision to cook him a steak for dinner.

I think we may have established a new birthday tradition.  :-)

Happy Birthday to Kino Kealohalani!

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