Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Joy of Opened Windows

The other day, my brother sent me a link to a video that he thought I would enjoy.  It was a video of dogs sticking their heads out of car windows.  I wasn't sure how exciting it was going to be but I gave it a shot anyway.  Much to my surprise, it had me smiling from ear to ear.

Seeing how happy these dogs were, with the wind blowing in their faces, I couldn't help but instantly be in a better mood.  It brought back memories of how much Lucky used to love sticking her head out the window and how patiently she would sit in the backseat, with her nose pressed against the glass, waiting for me to notice that she needed her window rolled down.

There were times when I was trying to concentrate on reading road signs and had to keep opening and closing the window for her . . .  and I wished I could teach her how to roll the window down herself.  :-)

And then I remembered the first time Lucky realized it was even more fun to put her head out of the sunroof.  She would put her feet on the console between the two front seats as we were getting close to the park and stick her head out the sunroof, looking as if she had just discovered the secret to happiness.

This little video made me smile so much, I am including it below so you can watch it too.  I dare you to try to NOT smile while you are watching it.

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