Sunday, April 10, 2011

Healing for Humans

Even though almost half of my clients are human, I don't often write about them in my blog. I think it's because my human healing sessions tend to be deeply personal and I don't think my clients would feel very comfortable with me sharing too much about their sessions.

Still though, my human clients have great insights into their lives and their own healing journeys, they have amazing breakthroughs and tangible results, so I have been trying to find a way to write about the sessions with my human clients, without revealing too much, and at the same time, sharing enough that others can benefit.

I realized the other day that there was a theme running through many of my recent human sessions, and I decided that writing about the theme might be the right way to share some information.

This recent theme is around beliefs . . . the concept that whatever we believe, we manifest in our lives, and even though we may not like what is showing up in our lives, it is always tied to a belief we hold. It may not be a conscious belief, but it is a belief none the less. I have seen again and again that if we want to have a different result in life, we need to figure out what belief brought us the result we don't like and then determine what we want to believe instead.

For instance, if you keep having the experience of people taking advantage of your kindness, then there's a pretty good chance you hold a belief that people can and will take advantage of your kindness. Sometimes, when I bring this up with my clients, they feel like they are stuck with only two choices . . . continue to be nice and have people take advantage of them, or stop being kind to others and be someone they don't want to be. I refer to this as "black and white" thinking and when we only see things in black and white, we often feel like we have no where to go.

Part of the work I do with people is to help them see more options . . . assist them in moving away from "black and white" thinking, so they can see the possibilities. I help them understand what the underlying belief is that is creating unwanted experiences in their lives, help them release the belief if they don't think it serves them any longer and then help them form a new belief, one that will better serve them.

I frequently ask my clients, "What would you like to believe instead?" and this can be a difficult question to answer. I think part of the reason is that we are programmed to believe, on some level, that we can't have what we want or that we don't have any control over what comes into our lives. I work with my clients to help them see that they do deserve to have what they want, and help them feel empowered to make changes in their lives. I work with them to help them release that old programming, so that it is easier to answer the question, "What would you like to believe instead?"

In this case, my client eventually said, "I want to believe that people will appreciate my kindness, and be kind in return." With the assistance of the energy, we allowed the body to release the old belief and then embrace the new belief. Many people think it sounds too easy to work, but I have seen proof again and again that it really is that easy.

Through my work with human clients, we have identified and released beliefs such as, "You can't make money doing what you really love to do," "Men are weak and need to be taken care of" and "Other people's needs are more important than mine" and we replaced those old beliefs with new beliefs, that will help them manifest what they really would prefer to experience in life.

If you look at your own life, are you experiencing things that don't please you? Do you feel that people don't really listen to you? Maybe you are holding a belief that what you have to say isn't important. Do you find that your relationships are difficult and take a lot of energy out of you?" Maybe you are holding a belief that relationships aren't easy and require a lot of work. If so, I'll ask you . . . "What would you like to believe instead?"

Over the years, I have witnessed this enough to form a pretty strong opinion that what shows up in our lives is tied to the beliefs we hold, (often on an unconscious level). Our thoughts and beliefs are incredibly powerful, and yet, so are we. At any time, we can choose to believe something different . . . and then we can have a different experience.

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