Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucky

Today is Lucky's 14th birthday. Thirteen months ago when we first discovered she had cancer, I didn't think she would live to see her 14th birthday. In the last couple months, I was even more unsure that she would make it to see this day. So, I am incredibly grateful that she made it to her 14th birthday. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed her birthday. We weren't able to do some of the things we have done in the past on her birthday, like going to the beach or to our favorite restaurant, Bill's, for a special breakfast, but we did our best to make it a special day. Lucky got to have watermelon for her lunch, one of her most favorite foods and then we went to the park.

We were fortunate enough that one of our favorite families, who we met at the park a few years ago, came to help Lucky celebrate her special day. Lucky opened her gift (a stuffed frog with a squeeker inside) and Siena, who is almost 3 brought some treats for Lucky to eat, since she didn't have a cake. Siena wanted to know what kind of birthday games we were going to play with Lucky. Her parents and I were at a loss, until her dad decided we could throw Lucky's new toy around like a hot-potatoe and that seemed to please Siena.

Lucky actually got to start celebrating her birthday yesterday when she accompanied me to a party. Sixteen years ago, my department got laid off from Apple. Our group was very close but we haven't seen each other much in the last 16 years, as our lives have taken us in different directions. We decided it was time for a reunion. Dan, who hosted the party, was kind enough to extend the invitation to Lucky as well and she happily hung out in the backyard with us while we all got caught up on each other's lives. She also enjoyed some chicken when it came off the grill, so she thought the evening was a smashing success. I was happy to have a chance to do something social, that included Lucky. As I mentioned before, I have been hesitant to accept invitations to go out lately, as it is difficult for me to leave Lucky alone. Being able to bring her along made the evening even sweeter for me.

She was so tired when we got home last night that she actually snored. It's not something I have heard her do before, so for the first 1/2 hour after we went to bed, I kept leaning over the bed to check on her and make sure she was alright. When I was finally convinced that she was indeed just snoring, I was finally able to fall asleep.

I don't know how much time we have left together. I know it's not long and that thought still makes my heart ache but I am continuing to try to just see each day as a gift and make the most of it. I can't even imagine what my life is going to be like without her. For the last 13.5 years, we have been inseparable. I take her with me almost everywhere I go and the thought of going somewhere without her in the car with me is something I can't quite wrap my mind around yet.

I had an interesting experience this week though, that confirmed my belief that animals (and people too) really do come and visit us from the spirit world. Last week, I wrote about a very special client of mine, Hanna, who passed on. This week, her mom decided she wanted a Reiki treatment to help her work through her grief. Before we got started, she and I both said we had wondered if Hanna would come and visit while I was there giving her mom a Reiki treatment.

About 5 minutes into the treatment, I sensed that Hanna was there. I opened my eyes and looked around the room but didn't see anything. Actually, that didn't surprise me because I don't "see" spirits but I kept sensing her presence, so in my mind I asked her if she would give me a sign that she was there. Just then, I felt a chill and all the hair stood up on my arms. I wasn't ready to believe it though, and came up with a few other explanations for why I might have gotten a chill, i.e. the sliding glass door was opened a bit and maybe it might have been wind blowing through the opened door. About 5 minutes later, I asked again if she would give me a sign and immediately, I got the chill again and the hair stood up on my arms. It made me tear up.

After the Reiki treatment was over, I asked Hanna's mom if she felt Hanna's presence and she said that she did. She also confessed that she second-guessed that feeling, wondering if she just WANTED to feel Hanna's presence and therefore, imagined it.

A few minutes later, a friend of hers, who has a 7 month old puppy named Mocha, came over to get some help from me on some "communication" issues that she and her puppy are having. We were in the middle of discussing some of their current challenges when all of the sudden, Mocha looked past me, then barked excitedly a few times and started to play bow. The three of us 2-legged folks all looked at each other, confused as to what was going on. I wasn't sure if Mocha was reacting to me, so I moved over to the left and again, Mocha barked and did a couple of play bows in the direction of where I HAD been sitting. We were stunned silent for a minute and then everyone broke out in big smiles. We were now SURE that Hanna was there.

It was such a heartwarming experience. I was so happy for Hanna's mom, that she got confirmation that her sweet girl was coming to visit her, even though she couldn't see her. I know it gave her a tremendous amount of comfort. And it helped me too, to see evidence that animals really do come back and visit their guardians. It makes it a little easier for me to think that when I am driving around in the car after Lucky has passed, that maybe she WILL still be in the car with me and maybe I won't feel so lonely.

If you have had an animal pass and you are wondering if they are coming to visit you, ask them to give you a sign. It might not be something you can "see" as I'm not sure animals can move something on the table or pull a toy out of the toy box, but maybe if you open your mind to other ways they might be able to show you they are there, you might be surprised by what you hear, smell, or feel.

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