Friday, September 19, 2008

Animals are more like humans than we think

My friend Craig gave me an article he found on Wikipedia.  It's a story about the second World War and a dog named Bamse.   The dog, Bamse, was a St. Bernard that became a heroic mascot of the Free Norwegian Forces.  

If you are still unsure if animals can understand everything can it going on around them and feel loving and protective of their human companions, if you are still wondering if animals can intervene to aid their human companions based on what they are observing without any specialized training for that intervention and if you are still unsure if a dog is intelligent enough to ride a bus by themselves, knowing where to get on and where to get off to find their sailor friends, then you need to check out this story.

Go to: Bernard)

It is the sweetest story and one that is sure to touch you.  We would all be lucky to have a Bamse in our lives.  And fortunately for Bamse, his sailor friends had enough confidence and faith in him and all he was capable of doing that he was able to shine.  

I believe that as we give animals more credit for what they are capable of doing, they will continue to surprise and astound us.  

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