Friday, January 9, 2015

Animals With a Purpose

A couple years ago, I wrote about a special dog named Corgi who had captured my heart.  She had been severely abused in her previous homes but was making wonderful progress with her new mom.

Over the holidays, I had the pleasure of getting an update on Corgi.  At first, the update didn't sound very positive.  Corgi's mom had been forced to find her a new home, at least temporarily, because a family member was battling a terminal illness.  Her heart was heavy over the decision because she had bonded so much with Corgi and didn't want her to feel like she wasn't wanted.

One of her best friends and her husband agreed to take Corgi in . . . and in this new home, something wonderful happened.  Corgi, who had still not fully gotten over her fear of men quickly developed a bonded with the husband.  Now she doesn't seem to fear men at all anymore.

And another wonderful thing happened . . . the husband, who had recently retired after 40 years in the medical field and had been struggling with how to fill his days now that he was no longer working suddenly had something very important to do.  :-)  He and Corgi have been going on about four walks a day and they have grown quite attached to one another.

I often talk about how animals come into our lives for a reason, that they have a purpose to fulfill and Corgi's update reminded me that their purpose may be greater than just us.  While the circumstances of Corgi having to go to a new home were very sad, the outcome had been incredibly positive.  She is helping her new dad find his purpose and she had been able to learn to trust men again.  The beautiful thing about this is that while the friends were just trying to help Corgi's mom, it is clear that they received a wonderful gift in return.

Only time will tell where Corgi's journey will take her next . . . if she is able to live with her mom again in the future, or she ends up staying with the couple who is caring for her now, I trust that she will end up wherever she is meant to . . . wherever she can continue to fulfill her purpose.

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