Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Confirmation from Animals

One of the things that I really enjoy during an animal communication session is when an animal helps out by confirming with their guardian that what I am saying is true.  It shows me how important it is to the animal that their guardian understand them and how much animals want to be heard.

I've noticed that when a guardian has a twinge of uncertainty over whether what I said is REALLY what their animal thinks or feels, their animal senses it at the same time I do, sometimes even before I do  :-)  and they will jump in with some sort of confirmation - whether it is a kiss on their mom or dad's face, an intense stare, a tap of the paw on their mom or dad's arm or leg, an excited bark etc.

A couple weeks ago, I had a session with a dog and his mom and after about the third time he "confirmed" that what I was saying was true, his mom started to laugh and said, "Ok, I am listening, I heard what she said and I believe you both," at which point, the dog ran back over to me and excitedly wagged his tail, saying "Did you hear that?  She believes you are really communicating with me, I've got some more stuff to say!"

I love being able to partner with animals this way during a session.  They are so excited that someone is helping to put a "voice" to what they are thinking and feeling and they want to make sure their guardians really heard it, so they will do whatever they can to ensure the message has been received.

I've also had people tell me that their animal helped them decide whether they should contact me in the first place.  One person told me that she was looking at my website trying to decide if she should set up an appointment with me.   Each time she clicked back on my website, her dog would sit up and put his nose on the keyboard, which told her that her dog wanted her to call me.  Another person told me that when she pulled up my website, her cat jumped into her lap, something she hadn't done in a while because of arthritis, and she pawed at the screen.  She said it almost looked like her cat was trying to comb my hair.  We had a good giggle over that and she admitted it was what convinced her to contact me.

Animals do everything in their power to communicate with us, so one of the wonderful ways we can honor them is by being as observant as possible and paying attention to all the little things they do. Even if it isn't immediately obvious, the things they do always have meaning and purpose.

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