Monday, February 11, 2013

Be Kind To Yourself

Last week, a gentleman scheduled a session with me for he and his dog, because he was very concerned about his dog's health issues.  When the appointment started though, his dog was goofing around, running around the room, trying to get one of us to play with her.  She didn't seem interested in the appointment at all and appeared to just want to have a little fun.  I could sense that her guardian was the one who needed some support and sure enough, a few minutes later he stopped and said, "Well, it looks like I'm the one who really needed the appointment, is it OK if we focus on me?"  I was really pleased that he was willing to look out for himself and his own needs and we spent the rest of the session helping him find some balance.

It's something that I see so often . . . guardians who will do anything for their animals (whether it's helping them get rest, or exercise, or better food, or medical assistance - eastern or western) and yet won't often do those same things for themselves.  They would do anything to ensure that their pet was healthy and happy and felt safe and yet they won't give themselves that same care and concern.  (Note: I see this play out with parents and their 2-legged children as well)

So, why is that? Why are we willing to take better care of our pets than ourselves?  Is it because we don't believe we deserve it?  Do we think their health and well-being is more important than ours?  Do we think our job is to take care of them? but not to take care of ourselves?  Do we feel it's selfish to take care of ourselves?

I believe we ALL deserve to be healthy, happy and to feel safe and well cared for - us and our "children."  I also believe that being kind to ourselves opens the door for us to more easily be kind to others.  When we "fill our cup" so to speak, we have more to give.

So my questions to you this week are:  Where are you doing more for your "child" than you are doing for yourself?  What can you do to bring things into balance?  Where do YOU need to be kinder to yourself?  I don't think you will regret showing yourself a little kindness.  :-)

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