Sunday, January 13, 2013

Reasons to Smile

When I was a little girl, my two most favorite things in the whole world were daffodils and German shepherds.  Every year since Lucky made her transition, I have had at least one daffodil make an early appearance between Christmas and New Years, and this year was no different.  A couple days before the new year, this daffodil popped up.  Given that the rest of my daffodils bloom in March, I consider it a little gift from Lucky each year.  The daffodil that makes an early appearance is usually in one of the pots closest to the backdoor, so every time I look outside I see it . . . and I can't help smiling and feeling a bit "lucky."

Speaking of reasons to smile, one of my best friends sent me this video clip of dog and a little child that warmed my heart. It is so precious I just have to share it.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  Best Friends

And lastly, I have two very special clients named Buster and Mia.  I have written about them in past blogs, when their mom Jewel and their dad Guy made their transitions, and a few summers ago when Reiki treatments helped a tumor in Guy's abdomen go away, when the doctors were sure he needed surgery to remove it.  If you saw them, you'd be convinced they were puppies because they are so goofy and full of life.  They have big personalities that would make you smile even on the gloomiest day.  Last night, their mom sent me a photo of them, with a note that said, "Buster and Mia wanted you to see how nice they look in their new black/grey collars."  They were so excited about their new "clothes" I thought they'd appreciate it if I shared the picture with all of you.

They say that the energy right now is stronger than ever for manifesting our thoughts, so I figure why not focus our thoughts on the good stuff in life.  I hope you are finding plenty of reasons to smile as well, and that in turn, the Universe gives you even more to smile about!

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