Saturday, December 15, 2012


Along the lines of the principle that what you focus on expands, it is said that the more you focus on what you are grateful for, the more reasons you'll have to be grateful.  So, as the holiday season approaches, I thought I'd share a few things that I have gratitude for:

- For the dentist who understands that animals are capable of far more than most people give them credit for, and allows his dog to assist his young patients.  amazingdentist/dog

- For the wonderful friends I have, that make sure I see links like the one above.

- For the fact that my Christmas tree finally stopped falling over  :-)

- For the people who have noticed I had my blinker on and actually let me move into their lane.

- For the homemade toffee that was lovingly made by the sister of one of my best friends, even if it means exercise is going to have to be moved up to the top of my to-do list.  :-)

- For my friendship with Chelsea, which appears to have given me the added benefit of having the rest of the squirrel population stay out of my flower pots this fall.  I don't know what she said to them, but they all seem to be "respecting" my daffodil bulbs this year.

- For the fact that Barry Manilow is still performing, so that my family could go see him and feel close to my mom for the night, as he sang the songs that were a soundtrack to our childhood.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.  My wish for all of you is that you are surrounded by those you love and that you are given many opportunities to feel grateful.

Happy Holidays!!!

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