Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Promise Fulfilled

Many years ago, I was writing a book about my life with Lucky, detailing all the things we had learned in our years together.  Then for a variety of reasons, the book got set aside . . .  I promised Lucky before she passed away that I would finish the book but never expected almost three years to pass before I pulled it out again.

In July, one of my clients told me that Hay House Publishing was having a nonfiction writing contest and we decided it was time for me to dust off my manuscript and finally get the book done!

The last few months have been filled with writing, editing, rewriting and more editing and with the love and support of many friends I am happy to say it is now complete.  Today I submitted my book - and have breathed a huge sigh of relief!

The contest winners won't be announced until November 1st, but I know I will sleep well tonight knowing that I was able to fulfill the promise I made to my sweet girl.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Update: The plastic horse

A month or so ago, I wrote about a sweet little dog named Bijou who was unnerved by a life-size plastic horse in front of a pet store.  Curiosity got the best of me, so I went to investigate the horse for myself.

While I was there, I spent time just standing next to the big plastic horse, trying to sense what may be so upsetting to Bijou. I discovered the following things:  Energetically, something did feel slightly unsettling about the horse, although I couldn't quite put my finger on it.  I noticed that when the wind blew, the horse moved ever-so-slightly and I wondered if that almost-undetectible movement was what bothered her so much.

I spoke with the store manager and learned that Bijou wasn't the only dog that had that kind of reaction to the horse, as many of their doggie customers also bark their heads off when they see the horse.

I sent Reiki to the plastic horse, hoping to clear any negative energy that might be there.  Then I had my friend take a picture of me with the horse.

I sent the picture to Bijou's mom and asked her if she would show it to Bijou, and tell her that I stood next to the horse and nothing bad happened to me.  :-)

A week ago, Bijou and her sister Sadie, went to the pet store and I couldn't have been more thrilled by her mom's update.  Not only did a get a wonderful written update, but she also sent me the video she took of their visit, so I could see what happened.

The parking space right in front of the horse was opened, so they pulled into that slot.  Bijou didn't react and neither did her sister Sadie.  She looked at the horse but didn't snarl and growl at the window like she used to.  She didn't go into a frenzy as she always did.  She watched people come in and out of the store but just wagged her tail at them.  Her mom was stunned and so was I when I watched the video.

So, I am happy to report that at least for Bijou and Sadie, the horse doesn't seem to be a problem anymore.