Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

A few weeks ago, I had the TV on while I was working on the computer, and my ear caught the first line of an old Roberta Flack song that I used to love . . . "The first time, ever I saw your face" . . . I looked up at the TV and saw the faces of sad, neglected animals and my eyes immediately welled up with tears . . . I felt a deep ache in my heart as I reached for the remote to change the channel. I wanted to keep listening to the song because I have always loved the song, and I didn't want to ignore the message that the animal organization was trying to share, but at the same time, I couldn't think about all the neglected animals in the world. My heart just couldn't handle it.

Every time that commercial has come on since then, I find myself diving for the remote. I can't get the channel changed fast enough, because even if I don't look at the TV, the images of those sad faces are still in my brain and I immediately tear up the second I hear the song. I was disappointed to think that I might not ever be able to listen to that song again, without getting overly emotional.

I looked up the lyrics the other day, and realized that the first part of the song could probably be sung by anyone who has even had and loved an animal . . . "The first time, ever I saw your face, I thought the sun rose in your eyes, and the moon and starts were gifts you gave." It really is a beautiful song, although I had always thought of it more as a wedding song, than a "please help the animals song."

Anyway - it just got me thinking about how many animals out there really need help and I started to feel discouraged, the way I did when I was volunteering for an animal rescue organization . . . . when you realize that no matter how much you do, there are a million more animals you haven't helped yet and your efforts start to feel futile.

I wanted to get out of that discouraged mindset, and focus on something more positive, like the animals who HAVE been helped . . . when all of the sudden an email arrived from one of my clients. She told me that she had been able to donate 57 dogs toys and 44 cat toys, in honor of her dog who passed away this past year. I wrote her back a note saying, "Just think about all the happiness you created at the shelter!" It made me smile all day, thinking about those dogs and cats at the shelter that found joy from having a new toy to play with. I am sure it gave them hope to know that someone cared about them.

Then this morning, I got on the computer to find an email from another one of my clients, with a link to a website in Minnesota that had pictures of German Shepherds frolicking in the snow. It was so fun to scroll through the pictures of happy dogs, having a great time in the aftermath of the blizzard. So, thanks to my clients, I'm staying focused on happy thoughts, in spite of the number of times the commercial with the Roberta Flack song has come on.

If you'd like to see the "snow dogs" here's the link:

I hope it makes you smile as much as it made me smile. Wishing you all a very happy new years. May you be blessed in 2011 with everything your heart desires!!!

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