Saturday, March 6, 2010

Healing for Humans

When I first started my energy healing business, I was working primarily with animals, as it felt like that was what I was being guided to do. Over the last few years, more and more humans have been coming to me for healing as well. Some weeks, I even have more human clients than animal clients. I find it as much of an honor to work with humans as I do with animals and I have enjoyed seeing how my work has continued to unfold.

Quite a few of my human clients are the guardians of my animal clients. Often, they have seen how much their animals benefit from a reiki session and they are interested in trying it themselves. Some of my human clients met me when their animal was in the last stage of their life, and I worked with their animal to help them through the final part of their journey. When their animal passed away, they began getting reiki treatments themselves, to help deal with the grief they were experiencing. Some of my human clients don't have animals at all. (It's not a prerequisite) :-)

People often ask me what inspires people to explore reiki as a healing modality, and the answer is . . . just about anything. My own experience with Reiki began when I was having a lot of back pain and went to a massage therapist who incorporated reiki into her massages. At the time, I didn't know what reiki was, but I had never felt so good after a massage, so I was inspired to learn more. When I realized how much it could help not just me, but Lucky as well, I was even more motivated to explore reiki and all it could do.

People come to me for a vast array of reasons. Some are looking to just feel more peaceful and find that reiki treatments help them relax, sleep better, feel more at ease about what is going on in their lives. Some people have physical pain and get reiki treatments to help ease that pain. Others also see a chiropractor and find that having a reiki treatment after a chiropractic appointment helps them feel even better than a chiropractic appointment alone.

Some of my clients call me when they are starting to feel sick and find that they get better before they get any worse, if they get a reiki treatment. (It is believed that reiki can help boost the immune system so our bodies can more easily fight off illness). Recently, I went to see a client who was not feeling well. When I arrived at her house, I was concerned, as it sounded to me like she could have pneumonia and I wondered if she should be going to the hospital instead of seeing me. She was sure reiki was what she needed and much to both of our delights, by the next day, she was feeling better. (We thought she only seemed like she had bronchitis.) :-) She had me come again the next day to give her another reiki treatment and we joked that maybe by the following day, she'd just have a regular old cold, and sure enough, that was how she felt the next morning . . . like she just had a regular old cold.

Some of my other clients are people who feel that they want more out of life. They want more peace, they want more calm, they don’t want to be burdened by the past any longer and want to start creating a life that brings them more joy, more happiness.

In these cases, the goal is often to help them release what their body holds . . . whether it's the cell memory of experiences from the past, the aches and pains that come from stuffing their emotions for years on end, and the old, unhelpful tapes that run in their head that tell them they aren’t good enough, that they don’t deserve more, that it's selfish for them to take care of themselves, etc.

I don't believe there is a right or wrong way to approach a reiki treatment - I believe we can all get as much or as little out of energy healing as we want. The effects of reiki are not something that can be scientifically proven, yet I have seen enough "proof" myself to make me believe it can definitely be a positive addition to wellness.

If you want to feel more peaceful, I have seen it help people with that. If you have some aches and pains that are bringing you down, I have seen it help with that. And if you are looking to release old memories and hurts, I have seen it help with that too. Is it the answer to everything? No, it's not.

Is reiki a substitute for western medicine? No, sometimes we still need western medicine. I learned this myself . . . for as much as I wanted reiki to heal my thyroid disease, and eliminate the need for me to take a thyroid pill every day, it didn't. On the plus side, it did help improve my thyroid function enough that I was able to go on a lower dose of medication. That made me happy, even if I do still have to take a pill every day. ;-)

I remember when I first started getting reiki treatments, I was thrilled to just get a good nights sleep after a treatment. It was a good place to start for me and I am glad that I kept being opened to what else it could do. If you've never had a reiki treatment, maybe it's time to give it a try. You never know what it can do and how it can help you.

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