Saturday, May 18, 2024

Lucky's Journey (in pictures)

I am often fascinated to see what old blog posts of mine are being accessed. Today I noticed that this one popped up. Clearly, someone was digging deep in the archives to find this one, as it is from June of 2009. It is basically a high-level story of Lucky's life, told with pictures.

It was so fun for ME to read it again and I couldn't stop smiling as I looked at all the pictures. I thought I'd re-post it, as others may enjoy reading/seeing some of the highlights of Lucky's life when she was here. (and at least 1/2 of these little highlights didn't end up making it into the book so it made it even sweeter to see them all again)

I hope you enjoy it! If you do and you haven't read my book yet, maybe it will inspire you to buy my book and give it a read.  :-) 

Here is a link to the blog:

Here is a link to where you can purchase my book:

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